Author: E-Boda Support

Hoverboard FreeWheel Glow

Hoverboard FreeWheel Glow

The FreeWheel Glow hoverboard is specially designed for children. This is the ideal choice for a unique and unforgettable experience, whether we are talking about parks or enclosed spaces where fun is in full swing.

Hoverboard FreeWheel Complete Lite

Hoverboard FreeWheel Complete Lite

The FreeWheel Complete Lite hoverboard is specially designed for children. This is the ideal choice for a unique and unforgettable experience, whether we are talking about parks or enclosed spaces where fun is in full swing.

Bicicletă electrică FreeWheel E-Bike City

FreeWheel E-Bike City electric bike

Everywhere and anytime, the FreeWheel E-Bike City folding electric bike is close to you. Lightweight and compact, it is perfect to avoid everyday traffic, benefiting from an innovative design.

Vehiculul electric, sau cum să scapi de trafic!

Electric vehicle, or how to get rid of traffic!

Certainly many of us hit the traffic jam every day. A recent study tells us that, on average, in Bucharest, about 2-3 hours are lost daily on the way from home to work and back. Obviously, the study refers to those who use the car to go to the office.

DVD Player E-Boda mini 70 HDMI

DVD Player E-Boda mini 70 HDMI

What could be more beautiful on a Sunday night than opening a big bag of popcorn, sitting on the couch and playing a movie? The E-Boda Mini 70 HDMI DVD player is made for this, because it is designed to play your favorite movies that you care about a lot, through a complete video connectivity.

Cameră Video Sport E-Boda SJ5100W

Sport Video Camera E-Boda SJ5100W

The E-Boda SJ5100W sports camcorder can be connected to a smartphone, tablet or laptop and the synchronization will be done in real time. Using the dedicated application, you can control your camera remotely, all using the Wi-Fi function.

Cameră Video Sport E-Boda AC6200W

E-Boda AC6200W Sport Camcorder

The E-Boda AC6200W sports camcorder can be connected to a smartphone, tablet or laptop and so synchronization will be done in real time. Using the dedicated application, you can control your camera remotely, all using the Wi-Fi function.

Telefon Mobil E-Boda T310s

Telefon Mobil E-Boda T310s

Telefonul mobil 3G E-Boda T310s este simplu de utilizat, accesibil tuturor și rezistent. Construit pentru oamenii activi, în permanentă mișcare, ce au nevoie de telefon non-stop, chiar și atunci când se află în zone cu semnal slab.

Telefon Mobil Freeman Speak T120

Telefon Mobil Freeman Speak T120

Telefonul mobil Freeman Speak T120 este simplu de utilizat, accesibil tuturor și rezistent. Construit pentru oamenii activi, în permanentă mișcare, ce au nevoie de telefon non-stop, chiar și atunci când se află în zone cu semnal slab.

Telefon Mobil E-Boda Senior S200D

Mobile Phone E-Boda Senior S200D

E-Boda Senior S200D este un telefon mobil practic și intuitiv, potrivit pentru persoane în vârstă. Ergonomic și dotat cu o tastatură generoasă, acesta are funcția de redare vocală a tastelor numerice. Interfața grafică este prevăzută cu pictograme mari, în plus, vine însoțit de un dock de încărcare pentru a facilita utilizarea. Altfel spus, acesta este gândit exact pentru nevoile tale.
